The Kalman filter is used in a wide range of systems. Due to its efficiency to estimate the state variables in structures and mechanisms, its usage is already well known in Control Systems and in addition to smooth measured and unmeasured signals, it allows the sensor fusion technique to consider the best characteristics of each type of sensor. In this Chapter, we will present the application of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to predict the movement of the upper top center of a guyed tower of a power line, based on its dynamic model and considering the indirect measurement of the force in the stay cables through accelerometers. In a mockup tower, built in Dynamic Testing Laboratory (LabEDin) at University of Campinas (UNICAMP), it is possible to apply external loads and simulate failures, such as degradation of the stay cable foundation. Variations in the cable forces are used as inputs in the EKF algorithm and as estimate, we obtain the amplitudes and directions of the tower’s top movements, which will be considered to predict the health of its structure, indicating the need for maintenance intervention. All the theories considered in this proposed methodology are validated with the experiments carried out on the mockup tower in the laboratory.
Part of the book: Kalman Filter