The spice ginger is one of the most extensively used species in the Zingiberaceae family. It is frequently used as a condiment with many different cuisines and drinks. In addition to being used as a spice, it is a key component in both conventional and modern medicine. It strengthens immunity and is a rich source of several minerals and physiologically active compounds. Since it can be grown in a variety of climatic circumstances, the production of this spice has been increasing in most regions of the world. Because it is a nutrient-exhaustive crop that needs an appropriate supply of nutrients at critical stages of its growth in the form of chemical fertilisers or organic manuring, or a combination of both. To obtain excellent quality and quantity of ginger rhizomes as well as protect soil health and environmental quality, effective nutrient management can aid in decreasing the abuse of chemical fertilisers. In this perspective, this chapter aims to depict Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) for the sustainable production of ginger, as INM is a crucial component of sustainable agriculture, which necessitates resource management in a way to satisfy changing human requirements without degrading the quality of the environment and conserving essential natural resources.
Part of the book: Ginger