Mehra S. Sidhu
1. A. Mandal, M. S. Sidhu, T. Pfiefer, J-M. Rost and K. P. Singh, Attosecond delay lines, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. (2021) 2. Sidhu M. S. and K.P. Singh (2019) Ablation of Silicon and ultrathin fibers using single femtosecond pulse, Indian J Phys (2019). 3. Sidhu M. S., P. Munjal and K. P. Singh, (2018) High-fidelity large area nano-patterning of silicon with femtosecond light sheet. Appl. Phy. A, 124 : 46. 4. Sidhu M. S., B. Kumar and K. P. Singh, (2017) The processing and hetero-structuring of silk with light, Nature Materials, 16, 938 doi: 10.1038/nmat4942 5. Sidhu M. S., Chae M. Y., Woo S.-Y., Lee H. K., Lee H. S., Kim K. J., Jeoung S. C., Choi J. S., Joo C. K., and Park I. H., (2014) Femtosecond laser assisted selective reduction of neovascularizations in rat cornea (Rattus norvegicus). Lasers in Medical Sci. 29 (4) 1417-1427.