The global production of vegetable oil has increased since the beginning of the century, reaching a peak of 209 million tons in 2020/2021 and is projected to continue to increase due to population growth and the impact of the biodiesel industry. In this context, palm oil and soybean oil have stood out. However, both palm oil and soybean oil production chains are not fully sustainable, leading to socioeconomic and environmental challenges, which have driven the search for new raw materials with sustainability potential. Macauba [Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. Ex Mart.] is an oleaginous palm distributed mainly in Central and South America, and most of the Brazilian territory. It is one of the species with greater potential for economic exploitation due to its high oil productivity and use of by-products from oil extraction and processing. This chapter addresses the most up-to-date information in biology, oil production, and oil processing from fruit to oil applications.
Part of the book: Oilseed Crops