Soybean (Glycine max [L.]) contributes 25% of the global edible oil. Globally, soybean area and production in 2020 were 127.9 million ha and 379.8 million tons, respectively. Soybean has got early acceptance as an important oilseed crop in India in with approximately 10–11 million ha area. Now, it has become a major crop by replacing the traditional and contemporary popular crops in nearly all parts of India. Climate change effects, like change in Monsoon pattern, increase in dry spell frequencies, heavy rainfall event during crop growth period, extended monsoon at harvesting stage, has drastically influenced the productivity of soybean, which needs attention to identify the constraints and accordingly adapt the climate-resilient technologies. The recent research conclusions revealed that the climate-resilient technologies like selecting suitable varieties, sowing within proper sowing window, broad bed furrow (BBF) method of sowing, dry spell management practices to reduce moisture stress, rainwater harvesting, and soil conservation through BBF method of planting, reuse of harvested and stored rainwater during moisture stress conditions, the adaptation of micro-irrigations systems for protective irrigation, intercropping in soybean, resource conservation techniques can mitigate the effects of climate change and enhance the productivity of soybean in a sustainable manner.
Part of the book: Soybean