This chapter describes genetics and epigenetics discoveries that have allowed investigators to better define cancer at the molecular level. Taking into consideration the expanse of the field of cancer, the focus will be on colon cancer as a platform to provide examples of techniques, recent discoveries, and translation of genetic studies to cancer care. In addition, this segment contributes to our understanding of racial and ethnic disparities in colon cancer and the use of -omic assessments as an application in cancer research. Thus, this section will provide an overarching view of cancer by defining the molecular characteristics of colon cancer; parameters of cancer disparities; and genetic factors that contribute to colon-tumor biology, specifically recent findings at the DNA, RNA, and protein levels. Importantly, the correlation of these factors with the immune system will be defined. This section ends with future directions for studying colon cancer in patients from medically underserved communities. In summary, this unit provides an introduction to how genetic and genomic investigations are helping to elucidate biological questions in an inclusive manner that will benefit patients on a global scale.
Part of the book: Gene Expression