Basal ganglia refers to the deep gray matter masses on the deeply telencephalon and encompasses a group of nuclei and it influence the information in the extrapyramidal system. In human they are related with numerous significant functions controlled by the nervous system. Gross anatomically, it is comprised of different parts as the dorsal striatum that are consisted of the caudate nucleus and putamen and ventral striatum which includes the nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and subthalamic nucleus. Nucleus accumbens, is also associated with reward circuits and has two parts; the nucleus accumbens core and the nucleus accumbens shell. Neurological diseases are characterized through the obvious pathology of the basal ganglia, and there are important findings explaining striatal neurodegeneration on human brain. Some of these diseases are induced by bacterial and/or viral infections. Surgical interference can be one alternative for neuronal disease treatment like Parkinson’s Disease or Thiamine Responsive Basal Ganglia Disease or Wilson’s Disease, respectively in addition to the vascular or tumor surgery within this area. Extensive knowledge on the morphological basis of diseases of the basal ganglia along with motor, behavioral and cognitive symptoms can contribute significantly to the optimization of the diagnosis and later patient’s treatment.
Part of the book: Human Anatomy