Uri Schattner

University of Haifa Israel

Uri Schattner is a lecturer, co-founder and now chair of the Dept. of Marine Geosciences at the University of Haifa, Israel. He has a BSc in Geology and Biology from the Hebrew University (Jerusalem), both MSc (applied geodesy) and PhD (tectonophysics) in Geophysics from Tel Aviv University, and two post-docs at Geological survey of Israel and the University of Leeds (UK). His research focuses on the tectonic development of the eastern Mediterranean and surrounding plates through geological history. Uri is an expert in marine geology and geophysics, mainly through seismic reflection perspective. He planned and participated in eight scientific cruises. He teaches and tutors these topics to MSc and PhD students. He believes that the joy of discovery belongs to every person. To implement this view he spent two years as a desert field guide making the joy of science fun and accessible to children.

Uri Schattner

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Uri Schattner

Ocean closure involves a variety of converging tectonic processes that reshape shrinking basins, their adjacent margins and the entire earth underneath. Following continental breakup, margin formation and sediment accumulation, tectonics normally relaxes and the margins become passive for millions of years. However, when final convergence is at the gate, the passive days of any ocean and its margins are over or soon will be. The fate of the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf is seemingly known beforehand, as they are nestled in the midst of Africa-Arabia plate convergence with Eurasia. Over millions of years through the Cenozoic era they progressively shriveled, leaving only a glimpse of the Tethys Ocean. Eventually, the basins will adhere to the Alpine-Himalaya orogen and dissipate. This book focuses on a unique stage in the ocean closure process, when significant convergence already induced major deformations, yet the inter-plate basins and margins still record the geological history.

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