Cataract surgery decreases significantly and with maintained effect intraocular pressure (IOP) in both normal eyes as in eyes with glaucoma. In patients with cataracts and glaucoma, it can be performed, isolated or in combination with other techniques, such as the following: minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) in patients with mild/moderate glaucoma that do not require a high tensional decrease; and conventional glaucoma surgery techniques in patients with advanced glaucoma. Although lower than with conventional techniques, MIGS trabecular surgery has a good IOP lowering effect and provides some of the following advantages: a more physiological approach; little traumatic; without bleb; and it does not limit other techniques in the future. Different techniques that combinated or not with cataract surgery facilitate the exit of aqueous humor through the trabecular meshwork (TM) have been described. Our aim in this chapter is to review the newest of them, such as the following: iStent; ELT (Excimer Laser Trabeculostomy); kahook; ABiC; and OMNI.
Part of the book: Current Cataract Surgical Techniques