Co-design embedded system are very important step in digital vehicle and airplane. The multicore and multiprocessor SoC (MPSoC) started a new computing era. It is becoming increasingly used because it can provide designers much more opportunities to meet specific performances. Designing embedded systems includes two main phases: (i) HW/SW Partitioning performed from high-level (eclipse C/C++ or python (machine learning and deep learning)) functional and architecture models (with virtual prototype and real prototype). And (ii) Software Design performed with significantly more detailed models with scheduling and partitioning tasks algorithm DAG Directed Acyclic Graph and GGEN Generation Graph Estimation Nodes (there are automatic DAG algorithm). Partitioning decisions are made according to performance assumptions that should be validated on the more refined software models for ME block and GGEN algorithm. In this paper, we focus to optimize a execution time and amelioration for quality of video with a scheduling and partitioning tasks in video codec. We show how they can be modeled the video sequence test with the size of video in height and width (three models of scheduling tasks in four processor). This modeling with DAG and GGEN are partitioning at different platform in OVP (partitioning, SW design). We can know the optimization of consumption energy and execution time in SoC and MPSoC platform.
Part of the book: Engineering Problems