Giuseppe Vairo
He received cum laude his Laurea Degree in Mechanical Engineering on 1998 and his Ph.D. in Structural Engineering on 2002 at the University of Rome Tor Vergataâ€. Aggregate Professore in Structural Mechanics at the Department of Civil Engineering - University of Rome Tor Vergata from 2004. Member of Laboratoire Lagrange, a European research group on main topics of Structural Enginnering. Head and member of several research projects in the framework of local and national grants. Member of several national advisor committees. Author of more than 60 scientific papers. Co-author of two European Patent. Winner of national and international awards for his scientific activity (G. Savastano Award assigned from European Federation of Simulation Societies; Capocaccia Award assigned from Italian Society for Stress Analysis). His research activity covers different subjects such as: structural modelling, computational mechanics, fluid-structure interaction and aeroelasticity, long-span bridges, composite materials, biomechanics.