Evelin Krmac

Dr. Evelin Krmac has a PhD in computer and information science. She is Assistant Professor in the business informatics field at the Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, where she is a course manager for Computer and Information Science, Information Science in Traffic, and Information Support of Logistics. Her research interests include the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in logistics, supply chains and transport, intelligent transport systems, and application of ICT in the learning and teaching process. Through her career, she has actively been contributing in organizing various professional and scientific meetings, in co-editing international scientific journals (such as MEST and FBIM Transactions), in publishing in fields relating to her research interests, and being involved in various scientific research projects.

Evelin Krmac

1books edited

2chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Evelin Krmac

The book is a collection of studies dedicated to different perspectives of three dimensions or pillars of the sustainability of supply chain and supply chain management - economic, environmental, and social - and other aspects related to performance evaluation, optimization, and modelling of and for sustainable supply chain management, and thus presents another valuable contribution to sustainable development and sustainable way of life.

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