Amra Bratovcic

Amra Bratovcic is born on 18.01.1982. in Tuzla in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, she is employed at the University of Tuzla as an Associate Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry at the Faculty of Technology at the University of Tuzla. She has done her PhD study in Chemistry at the Faculty of Science at the University of Ferrara in Italy from 2009 to 2012. Her doctoral thesis was under title: „Design of heterogeneous photocatalysts for selective oxidation of alcohols“. She has obtained a doctoral award in 2010 from Italian Chemical Society. She has also received a Silver Plaque from the University of Tuzla in 2003 during her undergraduate degree in Chemistry at the Faculty of Natural science and Mathematics. She has participated in many scientific projects and she has published many scientific papers, book chapters and university books. Currently she is involved in almost ten European projects. She has done a few postdoctoral research, mainly in Spain and Italy related to synthesis of new photocatalytic materials based on titanium dioxide for water decontamination, as well as graphene-polymer nanocomposites. Her scientific interest is in nanomaterial science.

Amra Bratovcic

1chapters authored