Approaches to Analysis of Interstate Cooperation By Alexander Rozanov, Maria Ivanchenko, Alexandra Baranova, Elena N. Antonova, Mikhail Smirnov, Olga Belyaeva, Maria Ilicheva, Ludmila Ilicheva, Maria Krotovskaya, Tatiana Grabovich, Zaru Utekova, Dmitry Medvedev, Natalya Ogneva, Furat Al-Mutairi, Elvira Shishlo, Amina Surpkelova, Irina Kopachevskaya, Irina Sokurova, Yulia Borisova, Fernando Joao, Artyom Pakulskikh, Polina Chernova, Alexandra Khramova, Oksana Gryuk, Jesus Yaniz Gonzalez, Valentina Komleva, Alina Papsheva and Arkadi Bessonov
At the present day cultural diplomacy plays a rather important role in the development of international relations and world politics. This concept is receiving increasing attention from various countries, international and non-governmental organizations and other actors. This trend exists due to a number of reasons, such as the desire of states to create a positive image of their country, the expansion of international cooperation, changes in the global and domestic political situation, the protection of national interests, the prevention of conflicts between states, etc. Cultural diplomacy, beyond historical precedents, consists of a relatively new practice of a country’s foreign policy, which has traditionally focused on trade and security and defense issues. It is true that in European countries there are institutions of cultural foreign relations since the beginning of the century, but in the last decade the issues, related to the projection of the international image of countries, have become more important.
Part of the book: Education, Human Rights and Peace in Sustainable Development