The proposed chapter aims to provide a more in-depth explanation of the composition of carbohydrates in microalgae biomass, focusing on separation methods, chemistry, molecular characterization, as well as their application in several areas. The purpose of this review chapter is to show that biological products from microalgae have potential in health, food, and industry applications (materials and biofuel production). Steps for extraction and purification will be discussed, as well as the relationship between the type of microalgae and its composition, as a way of optimizing protocol selection and product making, without breaking down the cell to begin with (total carbohydrate extraction present in the cell). An overall overview of the current and prospective trends and methodologies for the use of microalgae carbohydrate will be included as starting points to shed light on some of the possible issues that currently do not allow the development and feasibility of microalgae biorefineries.
Part of the book: Microalgae