Codruta Jaliu
Dr. Codruta Jaliu is professor in the Product Design and Environment Faculty of the Transilvania University of Brasov, as well as a PhD supervisor in Mechanical Engineering. Her research interests include mechanical and mechatronic systems design in general, and design of wind turbines and small hydropower plants. She is author of five patents and more than 170 papers published in mainstream journals, international publishing houses, and international conference proceedings. She is editor of the Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series I. Engineering Sciences, a member of the ARoTMM, the Roumanian branch of the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM), and reviewer for several journals. She is the coordinator of the Industrial Design bachelor program, guiding the students throughout each phase of the program, providing them administrative support and updating the curriculum according to the employers’ needs.