Ercan Oztemel
Prof. Dr. Ercan Oztemel was born in 1962 in Elazig of Turkey. He graduated from the Department of Industrial Engineering, Sakarya Engineering Faculty of Istanbul Technical University in 1984. He completed his postgraduate studies at Boğaziçi University between 1985-1987, and his doctorate study at the Department of Electrical, Electronics and Systems Engineering of University of Wales between 1988-1992. Between 1993 and 2006, he worked as a lecturer at Sakarya University. In addition to his academic life, he worked as a Chief Researcher at Information Technologies Institute of Turkish Science and Technology Council (TUBITAK), between 1993 and 2011. In this institute, he conducted research on Artificial Intelligence applications, especially in the military domain. He carried out projects that were the first of their kind, such as placing simulation systems on military training aircraft (flying simulator), Artificial combat Pilot, nurse robots, war fare exercises in the virtual world. Between 1997 and 2010, he carried out research in the Western European Union Armament Group, as well as a Member of the Executive Board in the 11th and 15th Groups, and a member of the System Analysis and Simulation (SAS) Panel within NATO between 2001-2006. On the other hand, he supported the creation and execution of many sub-projects as a Member of the Executive Board in the IPROMS (Intelligent Production and Mechanization Systems) Center of Excellence project opened within the scope of the European Union 6th Framework Program. He served as the vice president of Turkish Measurement and Placement Center of Turkey between 2011 and 2015, and as the member of the Executive Board in the TUBITAK Public Research Group between 2012 and 2017. He conducts research in areas such as artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing systems, management information systems, simulation and modeling, strategic planning, quality management. He has many articles, papers and books on these subjects. He is still working at the Industrial Engineering Department of Faculty of Engineering at Marmara University.