Gene regulatory networks (GRN) have been studied by computational scientists and biologists over 20 years to gain a fine map of gene functions. With large-scale genomic and epigenetic data generated under diverse cells, tissues, and diseases, the integrative analysis of multi-omics data plays a key role in identifying casual genes in human disease development. Bayesian inference (or integration) has been successfully applied to inferring GRNs. Learning a posterior distribution than making a single-value prediction of model parameter makes Bayesian inference a more robust approach to identify GRN from noisy biomedical observations. Moreover, given multi-omics data as input and a large number of model parameters to estimate, the automatic preference of Bayesian inference for simple models that sufficiently explain data without unnecessary complexity ensures fast convergence to reliable results. In this chapter, we introduced GRN modeling using hierarchical Bayesian network and then used Gibbs sampling to identify network variables. We applied this model to breast cancer data and identified genes relevant to breast cancer recurrence. In the end, we discussed the potential of Bayesian inference as well as Bayesian deep learning for large-scale and complex GRN inference.
Part of the book: Bayesian Inference on Complicated Data