The World Wide Web is the result of a radical new way of thinking about sharing information. This idea seems familiar now, as the web itself has become pervasive. But this radical new way of thinking has even more profound ramifications when it is applied to a web of data like the semantic web. These ramifications have driven many of the design decisions for the semantic web standards and have a strong influence on the craft of producing quality semantic web applications. Until several years ago, the semantic web was primarily in a research phase. The new implementations of it were mainly to demonstrate the potential of the idea. While much of the activity related to semantic technology still takes place within the academic community, there are now real-world examples of the technology to use as a model. This paper has selected the matured level open-source tools for management of taxonomy and ontology in semantic web environment. Apart from this it also presents some important snapshot available in an online environment for designing and developing the taxonomy and ontology. This is very helpful to the users in using the concept of science and technology in cloud computing and online and offline environment.
Part of the book: Ontological Analyses in Science, Technology and Informatics