Jia Fu

Dr. Fu is currently an associate professor at Xi’an Shiyou University (China), an executive council in Human Materials and Heat Treatment Association, and the CTO of a large industrial company in Shenzhen. He obtained his PhD degree from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes (France) in 2016, before becoming a visiting scholar for 1 year at the Southern University of Science and Technology. His research interests focus on multiscale modeling and computational material science. He has published more than 50 scientific articles and participated in more than three NSFC projects and one CPER project. He has delivered more than 10 speeches at international and domestic conferences. He serves as the associate editor for RSC Advances and Materials Reviews, among others.

Jia Fu

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Jia Fu

Multiscale simulations of atomistic/continuum coupling in computational materials science, where the scale expands from macro-/micro- to nanoscale, has become a hot research topic. These small units, usually nanostructures, are commonly anisotropic. The development of molecular modeling tools to describe and predict the mechanical properties of structures reveals an undeniable practical importance. Typical anisotropic structures (e.g. cubic, hexagonal, monoclinic) using DFT, MD, and atomic finite element methods are especially interesting, according to the modeling requirement of upscaling structures. It therefore connects nanoscale modeling and continuous patterns of deformation behavior by identifying relevant parameters from smaller to larger scales. These methodologies have the prospect of significant applications. I would like to recommend this book to both beginners and experienced researchers.

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