This chapter focuses on the implementation of a smart environment monitoring system using wired and wireless sensor networks (WSN). The goal was to develop a LabVIEW based system to monitor environmental parameters that provide inaccessible, real-time monitoring. The development of portable and efficient environment monitoring system based on LabVIEW GUI that monitors various environmental parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, Air quality and light intensity was developed. This chapter targets on both wired and wireless approach for environment monitoring. The limitations of wired network were explained by flourishing the portable system. For proceedings with the impediment and insufficiency of wired network, Arduino augmentation ascendancy, are mingled with XBee wireless sensor network. The data from the environment was sent to the sink node wirelessly through mote. Monitoring of the data was done in a personal computer (PC) through a graphical user interface made by LabVIEW. The pertinent sensor for each was connected to analog input of Arduino UNO and their values are displayed on front panel of LabVIEW. LabVIEW run time engine makes the system cost effective and facile. To reveal the effectiveness of the system, some measurement results are also predicted in this chapter.
Part of the book: Atmospheric Air Pollution and Monitoring
Owing to enhancement in technology there is inclination in miniaturization of devices which demands to build up stumpy expensive sensor, least powered and hardy devices. Accordingly, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has gained significance in diverse applications: Farming, household, industries and environmental monitoring. Wireless sensor network system worn to monitor and control the air quality of an environment is developed. The air pollution monitoring system that measures temperature, humidity, SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter), NOx and CO are proposed. The conventional air quality monitoring system, prescribed by the Pollution Control Department, is tremendously pricey. Analytical measuring paraphernalia is lavish, time and power overriding, and can seldom be used for air quality exposure in real time. Endeavor has been completed to develop state of art monitoring system using commercially available standard pollutant gas sensors incorporated into a mote. An exact program made with LabVIEW is formed to constitute the measurements of sensing used in the established network. Remote monitoring of the system is made possible using IoT.
Part of the book: Environmental Management