Within the context of noise-induced health effects, the impact of airborne acoustical phenomena on biological tissues, particularly within the lower frequency ranges, is very poorly understood. Although the human body is a viscoelastic-composite material, it is generally modeled as Hooke elastic. This implies that acoustical coupling is considered to be nonexistent at acoustical frequencies outside of the human auditory threshold. Researching the acoustical properties of mammalian tissue raises many problems. When tissue samples are investigated as to their pure mechanical properties, stimuli are not usually in the form of airborne pressure waves. Moreover, since the response of biological tissue is dependent on frequency, amplitude, and time profile, precision laboratory equipment and relevant physiological endpoints are mandatory requirements that are oftentimes difficult to achieve. Drawing upon the viscoelastic nature of biological tissue and the tensegrity model of cellular architecture, this chapter will visit what is known to date on the biological response to a variety of different acoustic stimuli at very low frequencies.
Part of the book: Acoustics of Materials
This chapter focuses on infrasonic (≤20 Hz) noise exposure as captured in and around homes located in the vicinity of wind power plants. Despite persistent noise complaints by local residents, no satisfactory acoustical event has yet been identified to justify this troublesome (worldwide) situation. Continuous (days), high-resolution recordings—spectral segmentation of 1/36 of an octave and 1-second temporal increments—have been acquired in many homes across the world revealing the presence of wind turbine acoustic signatures. These consist of trains of airborne pressure pulses, identified in the frequency domain as harmonic series with the fundamental frequency equal to that of the blade-pass frequency of the wind turbine. This report documents three such cases (Portugal and Scotland). The highest peaks of the wind turbine acoustic signature (up to 25 dB over background noise) occurred within the 0.5–5 Hz window which is classically defined as below the human hearing threshold; and yet these ‘inaudible’ phenomena appear to trigger severe biological reactions. Based on the prominence of the peaks in the harmonic series, a new measure is proposed for use in determining dose–response relationships for infrasonic exposures. This new methodology may be applicable to infrasonic exposures in both environmental and occupational settings.
Part of the book: Management of Noise Pollution