Aneuploidy, the hold of an abnormal number of chromosomes that differs from the normal karyotype, is a recognized leading cause of miscarriage and congenital disabilities. In human gametes and embryos, aneuploidy rates are prevalent, and these rates increase with advanced maternal age; additionally, it has been suggested that hormonal stimulation for achieving in vitro fertilization (IVF) protocols further increases aneuploidy rates. Although about 65% of chromosomally abnormal embryos culminate in spontaneous miscarriages, there is still evidence of live births harboring crucial aneuploidies. Furthermore, although some frequent aneuploidies are consistent, others differ between countries, making it harder to focus on a specific set of anomalies but vital to focus regionally on those more prevalent. Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is a highly endorsed technique in assisted reproductive treatments to evaluate possible embryo aneuploidies, genetic defects, and congenital disorders. On this subject, this study shows that IVF aneuploidy rates in embryo cohorts of high morphological quality are inversely associated with implantation rates. In its entirety, this study reinforces the utility of PGT for embryo evaluation.
Part of the book: Modern Medical Genetics and Genomics