Julia Fedotova

Pavlov Institute of Physiology

Julia O. Fedotova, MD, Ph.D. habil., Sc.D. graduated with a degree in Pharmacy from the Pharmaceutical Faculty, St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy, Russia, in 1996. She completed post-graduate training and obtained a Ph.D. in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and in Physiology of Humans and Animals in 1999. She completed additional training in the Department of Pharmacology, Medical School, University of Catania, Italy, in 2002, and the Institute of Physiology, Medical School, University of Pecs, Hungary in 2003-2004. She graduated with a doctorate in Neuropharmacology from the Department of Neuropharmacology, Institute for Experimental Medicine, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and received a Dr. habil in Biological Sciences in 2008. Dr. Fedotova is a leading researcher and principal investigator at the I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences and ITMO University, Russia. She has 2 grants and more than 250 publications to her credit, including 5 books and 6 book chapters. She has also edited one book. Dr. Fedotova studied the role of vitamin D in the development of affective-related disorders in women with a grant from the Russian Scientific Foundation.

Julia Fedotova

2books edited

3chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Julia Fedotova

Vitamin D is a unique bioregulatory molecule that can be synthesized in the skin as well as obtained via dietary sources. Vitamin D and its specific role in numerous diseases is a hot topic of scientific research. This book presents new insights into the specific role of vitamin D deficiency in the pathophysiological and biochemical mechanisms of many diseases. It is organized into four sections that present the latest data from clinical and preclinical investigations of the consequences of vitamin D deficiency in children and in diseases such as COVID-19 as well as cardiovascular, metabolic, endocrine, and renal disorders.

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