Kazuhiro Hirasawa
Kazuhiro Hirasawa is a professor (Tsukuba University), Japan (2005–present), and an international collaborative partner (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman), Malaysia (2013–present). He received his BEng in 1964, his MEng in 1966 (Keio University), and his PhD in 1971 (Syracuse University). He was at the University of Tsukuba (1978–2005), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (2005–2007), MIT (USA) (1991), and Institute for Infocomm Research (Singapore) (2002). He was an editor of the International Journal on Wireless and Optical Communications (2003–2007). He has published about 200 research articles (journal papers, international conference proceedings, books, book chapters, and US government reports) in electromagnetic waves and antennas. He is an IEEE Life Fellow. He obtained the best paper award at IEEE EMC International Symposium with Dr. Morioka (2010).