Faten Frikha

University of Sfax Tunisia

Dr. Faten FRIKHA is a Professor of internal Medicine at the Department of Internal Medicine, Sfax University School of Medicine in TUNISIA. After her internal Medicine Residency at the University of Sfax, she completed a traineeship at Pitié- Salpêtriere Hospital in Paris France. She has her Ph.D. in internal Medicine in 2015 and is the author of over 100 articles in scientific journals. She is diplomate in many interesting fields : 1- Diplôma of manual therapy (osteopathy and physiotherapy) and spinal diseases (2007) Sfax medicine University; 2- Diplôma of « Rheumatology and systemic diseases » (2009) Paris Sud Medicine University. France. 3- Diplôma of « sexology” Sfax University; 4- Diplôma of « Osteoporosis and bone diseases » (2010) Paris VII Diderot Medicine University, France. 5- Diplôma of « Hypertension, cardio-vascular and renal diseases » (2011) Strasbourg Medicine Universit, France. 6- Diplôma of « Dermatology and systemic diseases » (2012) Pierre et Marie Curie Medicine University, France. 7- Diplôma of « Immunotherapy and biologic drugs in inflammatory and auto-immune diseases » (2014) Montpellier Medicine University France. 8- Diplôma of « medical pedagogy » (2016) Sfax medicine University 9- Dipôma of « Geriatric pharmacology » (2020) Sfax medicine University

Faten Frikha

2chapters authored