The learning curve as a concept has been considered and discussed in medical education and surgical practice. Rollin Daniel stated that rhinoplasty is the most difficult of all cosmetic operations for three reasons: (a) nasal anatomy is highly variable, (b) the procedure must correct form and function and (c) patients’ expectations. With this in mind, a study was planned on learning curve in septorhinoplasty based on a surgeon questionnaire. The aims of the study were to extract the idea of learning curve from different surgeons across experience about septorhioplasty, to calculate certain parameters of the learning curve in rhinoplasty and to prepare a roadmap for an early rhinoplasty surgeon. The conclusion derived from the study was the concept of the learning curve in rhinoplasty should not be generalised as certain factors, for example, minimum number to achieve proficiency has a wide range. It is thought that each type of rhinoplasty should be dealt with separately and learning curve calculated accordingly. A roadmap for a novice surgeon is hereby charted out.
Part of the book: Contemporary Rhinoplasty