Daniel Guerra
Daniel J. Guerra, Ph.D., Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of VerEvMed (www.verevmed.com). DEGREES EARNED: PhD 1984: Biochemistry and Physiology-Plant Science, Utah State University; MS 1981: Plant Biochemistry, University of Arkansas; BS 1978: Agriculture, Agronomy, University of Illinois. Dr. Guerra has been a university professor of biochemistry and molecular genetics for 3 decades. He has also been an active research scientist working primarily on lipid metabolism and neuroscience with strong interests in gene expression, epigenetics and immunology. Currently, Dr. Guerra is the co-founder and CSO of VerEvMed, a biomedical consultancy company that specializes in the examination and verification of the published research literature for the purpose of making this information available to a wider audience of health professionals, institutions, students, and interested lay people.