Nitrogen (N), being the most limiting macroelement for optimal plant growth and development needs synthetic N fertilizer usage for uplifting crop yields; nevertheless, an excessive and inefficient use of N fertilizer is a global concern incurring high production costs, environment pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, developing crop plants with high nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is an essential research target to achieve a better agricultural sustainability. NUE being a complex trait depends on our understanding of genetics (G), environment (E), management (M), and their interrelationships (G x E x M). NUE improvement is preceded by key processes such as nitrogen capture, utilization efficiency, nitrogen partitioning, trade-offs between yield and quality aspects, as well as interactions with the capture and utilization of other nutrients. An in-depth knowledge can be attained on NUE mechanisms through the UK Wheat Genetic Improvement Network project ( using an integrated strategy that look into the physiological, metabolic, molecular, and genetic aspects influencing NUE in wheat. The current book chapter highlights the recent progress in understanding and improving NUE in wheat, focussing on N impact on plant morphology and agronomic performances, using a combination of approaches, including whole-plant physiology and quantitative, forward and reverse genetics.
Part of the book: Wheat
Fresh cut fruits and vegetable have gained penetration and popularity since last few years. These fresh cut commodities are in great demand among the consumers as these are ready-to-eat fresh and provide all essential nutrients. The increasing trend in fresh cut produce tends to increase the investment in research and development to address various issues regarding the product supply, refrigeration, packaging technology, processing and shelf life extension. Cutting and peeling causes physical damage to the raw fruit and vegetable that make them more perishable. In these review latest developments that plays the key role in extending the shelf life of the fresh cut are discussed. These technologies help in reducing the microbial load over the fresh cut without much altering the physicochemical properties. Future researches should consider various combined technologies which allow better preservation as well as supplemented with nutritional factors.
Part of the book: Food Processing and Packaging Technologies