Lukasz Rymaniak

Łukasz Rymaniak D Eng., has worked at Poznan University of Technology at the Faculty of Machines and Transport since 2014. His main field of interest includes combustion engines operation and construction, aftertreatment systems, emission regulation, two stroke diesel marine engines and history of development automotive. He received the prize of the Mayor of Poznań in 2016 for his doctoral dissertation. Mr. Rymaniak conducts laboratory tests on engines of various types. Most of Mr. Rymaniak\'s research focuses on combustion engines operation, on-road emission tests and small two stroke engines. He is the author of nearly 70 scientific publications and chapters in monographs. Mr. Rymaniak is the Dean\'s Representative for the Scientific Student Societies and he is also a member of the Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines.

Lukasz Rymaniak

1chapters authored