Christine Rasetti-Escargueil
Christine Rasetti-Escargueil, PharmD, PhD, is a senior scientist at the Bacterial Toxins Unit at Pasteur Institute, Paris. She was a Senior Scientist at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, a centre of Medicine and Healthcare Products regulatory Agency in London, UK from 2006 to 2015. In addition, she has conducted research at Cardiff University, UK and at the French Atomic Commissariat using in vivo positron emission tomography imaging. Her specializations are in vitro/ex vivo/ in vivo and cell based models to explore molecular, immunological and functional endpoints in cells or animals exposed to bacterial toxins. Her research focus is the mechanism of action of bacterial toxins including botulinum toxins and related innovative pharmacological research. She published around 23 peer-reviewed papers, 2 book chapters, 30 abstracts and edited one book. She received a 'Fondation pour la Recherche” award in Paris in 1994 and an award from the MRC-NC3Rs organisation, London, in 2010.