Ioannis Mavroudis

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust United Kingdom

Dr. Ioannis Mavroudis is a distinguished consultant neurologist and Senior Lecturer in Neurology at the University of Leeds, UK. His expertise spans functional neurological disorders, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and post-concussion syndrome (PCS), where he combines clinical expertise with a profound understanding of neuroanatomy and neuropathology. Dr. Mavroudis is renowned for his neuropathological research, particularly using techniques like the Golgi method to illuminate central nervous system disorders. His work encompasses Alzheimer's disease, dendritic alterations, and synaptic pathology. Significantly, Dr. Mavroudis has made substantial contributions to the field of neuromorphology, with a particular focus on dendritic spines in neurodegeneration. His research has elucidated how alterations in dendritic spine morphology and density contribute to neurodegenerative processes, offering new insights into diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. He has explored the role of synaptic and dendritic pathology in cognitive decline, emphasizing the importance of dendritic spines in maintaining neural circuit integrity and how their dysfunction can lead to neurodegenerative conditions. His publication, 'Functional Overlay Model of Persistent Post-Concussion Syndrome,' highlights his expertise in PCS and TBI, offering a novel understanding of PCS's enduring effects. He has authored crucial works, including 'Concussion: A Patient’s Guide to Understanding and Coping' (2023) and 'Concussion - State of the Art' (2023), the latter of which he served as the academic editor. Dr. Mavroudis holds an MD and degrees in criminology, forensic medicine, and computing, alongside a Ph.D. in Neuromorphic Computing and Neuronal Morphology. His credentials in concussion management and prevention, and training in diagnostic neuropathology, neurophysiology, and psychiatry, further attest to his multifaceted expertise. As the lead of the Concussion Clinic and co-director of the Functional Neurological Disorders Clinic, his work embodies a comprehensive approach to understanding, diagnosing, and managing functional neurological disorders and mild traumatic brain injuries.

Ioannis Mavroudis

1books edited

4chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Ioannis Mavroudis

Concussion - State-of-the-Art is a comprehensive guide that delves into the intricate world of concussion. Concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), is a complex condition that demands a multidisciplinary approach for its understanding and management. This book provides a holistic view of concussion, from its pathophysiology and neuropathology to the physiological and blood biomarkers that aid in its diagnosis and monitoring.

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