Gorkem Memisoglu

Gorkem Memisoglu (experimental physicist) received Ph.D from Ege University Solar Energy Institute in 2015 (6-months of Ph.D. is completed at Universitat Jaume I, Spain). She has worked as an R&D researcher and project manager at Vestel Electronics Inc., Manisa-Turkey between March. 2012 and April, 2018. She wrote and lead 4 national and 4 international projects. Dr. Memisoglu is inventor or co-inventor of 58 European and 32 Turkish patent applications, and of 9 technical papers. Her current research interests are on emerging energy technologies, powder and thin films and their characterizations, nanoscale device design, photonic, optoelectronic and opto-microfluidic device developments (design, prototype preparation and tests), nanoscale wireless communication, semiconductor polymers, composites, carbon and its allotropes, and 2D materials.

Gorkem Memisoglu

1chapters authored