Time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) applications usually deal with a high counting rate, which leads to a decrease in the system efficiency. This problem is further complicated due to the random nature of photon arrivals making it harder to avoid counting loss as the system is busy dealing with previous arrivals. In order to increase the rate of detected photons and improve the signal quality, many parallelized structures and imaging arrays have been reported, but this trend leads to an increased data bottleneck requiring complex readout circuitry and the use of very high output frequencies. In this paper, we present simple solutions that allow the improvement of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as well as the mitigation of counting loss through a parallelized TCSPC architecture and the use of an embedded memory block. These solutions are presented, and their impact is demonstrated by means of behavioral and mathematical modeling potentially allowing a maximum signal-to-noise ratio improvement of 20 dB and a system efficiency as high as 90% without the need for extremely high readout frequencies.
Part of the book: Photon Counting