Change for organizations is a necessity. Today’s businesses are aware of the need to keep up with the environmental changes and change demands. If the change process is not handled properly in the business, it will bring major problems with it. Every change will absolutely and definitely face resistance. Similarly, conflicts are considered to be inherent in organizations. The important thing is to prevent conflicts from taking over organizational interests. If conflicts arise in situations where personal interests constitute a source, it is an issue that needs to be discussed seriously. This study is intended to reveal elements that create a potentially resilient potential, in particular protecting personal interests. A case study method was utilized in the study. This method is preferred because it is appropriate to examine in detail the history, current situation and environmental functioning of a particular person or group and to obtain appropriate information in order to provide statistical methods. In particular, the case study, which reveals a reflection of the conflict of interest that is valued as a consequence of the functions of exchange resistance and as a consequence thereof, reflects the relationship between resistance and conflict of interest.
Part of the book: Organizational Conflict