Cristina Gonzalez-Martin

University of A Coruña

Cristina Gonzalez-Martin (4/10/1973). BSc podiatry in 1998 in University complutense of Madrid. BSc anthropology in 2007 in San Antonio Catholic University. Doctor in Podiatry in 2013 with the title: "Podiatric pathology in a population random sample". CURRENT PROFESSIONAL STATUS: PhD at the University of La Coruña since 1998 PARTICIPATION IN FINANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS: PREVALENCE OF PERIPHERAL ARTERIOPATHY, PODOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION. PUBLICATIONS: 1. Rodriguez-Veiga D, González-Martín C, Pertega-Díaz S, Seoane-Pillado T, Barreiro-Quintás M, Balboa-Barreiro V. [Prevalencia de artrosis de rodilla en una muestra aleatoria poblacional en personas de 40 y más años de edad]. Gac Med Mex. 2019;155(1):39-45. Spanish. doi: 10.24875/GMM.18004527. PMID: 30799466. 2. Gonzalez-Martin C, Pertega-Diaz S, Seoane-Pillado T, Balboa-Barreiro V, Soto-Gonzalez A, Veiga-Seijo R. Structural, Dermal and Ungual Characteristics of the Foot in Patients with Type II Diabetes. Medicina (Kaunas). 2019;55(10):639. Published 2019 Sep 25. doi:10.3390/medicina55100639. 3. Gulias-Soidan D, Fraga-Manteiga D, Mosquera-Rodriguez VX, et al. The Importance of the Mediastinal Triangle in Traumatic Lesions of the Aorta. Medicina (Kaunas). 2019;55(6):263. Published 2019 Jun 10. doi:10.3390/medicina55060263. 4. Mosquera-Fernández A, Díaz-Rodríguez M, González-Martín C, Platero-Arboiro M, Souto-Rey V, Balboa-Barreiro V. Hábitos podológicos en personas con alteraciones ungueales. Gac Med Mex. 2017;153(7):810-817. doi:10.24875/GMM.17003023. 5. Pita-Fernández S, Alhayek-Aí M, González-Martín C, López-Calviño B, Seoane-Pillado T, Pértega-Díaz S. Intensive follow-up strategies improve outcomes in nonmetastatic colorectal cancer patients after curative surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Oncol. 2015;26(4):644-656. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdu543. 6. Gonzalez-Martin C, Grande Morais S, Pertega-Diaz S, Seoane-Pillado T, Balboa-Barreiro V, Veiga-Seijo R. Concordance between the Different Cardiovascular Risk Scores in People with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriasis Arthritis. Cardiol Res Pract. 2019; 2019:7689208. Published 2019 Mar 14. doi:10.1155/2019/7689208. 7. Pita-Fernandez S, Gonzalez-Martin C, Alonso-Tajes F, et al. Flat Foot in a Random Population and its Impact on Quality of Life and Functionality. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017;11(4):LC22-LC27. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2017/24362.9697. 8. González-Martín C, Alonso-Tajes F, Pérez-García S, et al. Hallux valgus in a random population in Spain and its impact on quality of life and functionality. Rheumatol Int. 2017; 37(11):1899-1907. doi: 10.1007/s00296-017-3817-z. 9. Seoane-Pillado MT, Pita-Fernández S, Valdés-Cañedo F, et al. Incidence of cardiovascular events and associated risk factors in kidney transplant patients: a competing risks survival analysis. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2017; 17(1):72. Published 2017 Mar 7. doi: 10.1186/s12872-017-0505-6. 10. Gonzalez-Martin C, Pita-Fernandez S, Seoane-Pillado T, Lopez-Calviño B, Pertega-Diaz S, Gil-Guillen V. Variability between Clarke's angle and Chippaux-Smirak index for the diagnosis of flat feet. Colomb Med (Cali). 2017; 48(1):25-31. Published 2017 Mar 30. 11. Pita-Fernandez S, González-Martín C, Seoane-Pillado T, Pertega-Diaz S, Perez-Garcia S, López-Calviño B. Podiatric medical abnormalities in a random population sample 40 years or older in Spain. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2014;104(6):574-582. doi:10.7547/8750-7315-104.6.574. 12. Pita-Fernández S, Seijo-Bestilleiro R, Pértega-Díaz S, et al. A randomized clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of CO-oximetry and anti-smoking brief advice in a cohort of kidney transplant patients who smoke: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2016;17:174. Published 2016 Apr 1. doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1311-7. 13. Pita-Fernández S, González-Martín C, Seoane-Pillado T, López-Calviño B, Pértega-Díaz S, Gil-Guillén V. Validity of footprint analysis to determine flatfoot using clinical diagnosis as the gold standard in a random sample aged 40 years and older. J Epidemiol. 2015;25(2):148-154. doi:10.2188/jea.JE20140082. 14. González-Vilas D, Monteagudo B, González-Martín C, Ramírez-Santos A, Campo-Cerecedo F. Kidney transplant patient with Kaposi sarcoma in the left foot. Trasplantado renal con sarcoma de Kaposi en el pie izquierdo. Arch Esp Urol. 2020;73(6):570-571. 15. Villar RR, Fernández SP, Garea CC, Pillado MTS, Barreiro VB, Martín CG. Quality of life and anxiety in women with breast cancer before and after treatment. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2017 Dec 21;25: e2958. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.2258.2958. English, Portuguese, Spanish. PubMed PMID: 29267541; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5738954. 16. Gonzalez-martin C, Bolsa-Col P, Mosquera-Fernandez A, Balboa-Barreiro V, Gulias-Soidan D. Simple bone cyst in the calcaneus. About a case. Clinical Case Studies and Reports. 2019 Volume 2: 1-4. 17. Sierra-Palmeiro, E.; Bobo-Arce, M.; Fernández-Villarino, M.; Alonso-Tajes, F.; González-Martin, M.C.; Gómez-Rivas, L. (2020) Association Foot Morphology and Performance in Rhythmic Gymnastics. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte vol. 20 (79) pp. 567-583 Http:// DOI:

Cristina Gonzalez-Martin

2chapters authored