Looming in the purview of gaming leisure industry is the utmost importance of artificial intelligence (AI). Its burgeoning preponderance can be straightforwardly depicted by the following conundrum: imagine you walk through into a dazzling casino in Macau aiming to play “Baccarat.” As soon as you sit down in order to initiate your gambling journey, you actually realize that the casino table dealer has been replaced by a cutting-edge robot fully equipped to enhance even further casino’s house advantage (that in the realm of “Baccarat” is very narrow). What would be your immediate thought? Should you proceed with your gambling endeavors? Should you refrain yourself from initiating your gambling endeavors? Or has your self-confidence just been boosted by this unexpected challenge? Nonetheless, if you scratch deep enough, underpinning these nonrhetorical questions is a rather twisted question: what if the casino patron or high roller (player) decides himself to foster his gambling skills through AI aiming to curb or even override casino’s “house advantage?” In any event, should not we take AI on the scope of gaming leisure industry very seriously in order to avoid disrepute or moral hazard of casino gaming leisure industry as a whole in light of its corporate social responsibility? This chapter will provide an overview about the current prominence of AI or simulation-based AI in gaming leisure industry, mainly for research purposes in the context of problem gambling and of forecasting online casino patron’s churn behavior. Finally, this chapter will carve out the foundations of candent challenges gaming leisure industry will face in the forthcoming future about the “moral hazard” deeply enshrined in the breadth of AI, especially if robots are due to replace humans as casino table dealers in the realm of table games.
Part of the book: Simulation and Gaming