Radim Vacha
Born in 1967 (Czech Republic) Education: Mendel University in Brno (MSc.), University of Life Sciences in Prague (Ph.D.) Experience: Soil contamination by risk elements and persistent organic pollutants, soil protection, soil remediation. International Membership: International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmentally Safety SECOTOX, European Society of Soil conservation ESSC. National membership: Board of Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Board of Czech Pedological Society, member of Scientific Boards of Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague and scientific boards of research institutions in Czech Republic and Slovakia. Editorial Experience: Editorial board member of 5 international journals (3 indexed on WoS). Pedagogical experience: Associated Professor of Pedology (Life University of Life Sciences in Prague). Current position: Director of Research Institute for Soil and Water conservation in Prague.