Ales Stuchlik

Prof. RNDr. Ales Stuchlik, PhD, DSc (*1974), works as a head of the Department of Neurophysiology of Memory at the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. He conducted his PhD thesis under the supervision of Dr. Jan Bures, DSc (1926–2012). In 2007, he was awarded the 40th Anniversary European Brain and Behavior Society Award for outstanding achievements during his early scientific career. His scientific interests involve basic and oriented research of spatial learning and memory, neuropharmacology, and animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders. He contributed to Czech translation of a book From Neuron to Brain. He has been involved in supervising multiple students ranging from high school and college to graduate students.

Ales Stuchlik

1books edited

Latest work with IntechOpen by Ales Stuchlik

The hippocampus is an important brain region, a true central hub for memory of various kinds and other processes. Neuropsychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, drug addiction, and schizophrenia are characterized by hippocampal alterations. The dentate gyrus of the hippocampus is a site exhibiting adult neurogenesis. This book covers the topic of the hippocampus from various perspectives. It discusses adult neurogenesis, effect of enriched environments on hippocampal plasticity, and long-term potentiation-associated gene expression. The book also addresses multiscale representations of complex environments and strategies in the hippocampus-dependent spatial tasks. Finally, insight into the hippocampus as a link between negative affect and relapse to psychostimulants is provided. The book collects evidence of various hippocampal functions in healthy and disordered brain.

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