Kjeldahl method using concentrated boric acid is a common practice in many laboratories. A thorough study of the titration with hydrochloric acid of ammonia trapped in a solution of boric acid is made in an attempt to explain the fundamentals of a widely applied standard method. A new potentiometric method for the determination of the end point in the Kjeldahl titrimetric finish is proposed based on the linearization of the titration curve of the ammonia‐boric acid system. The method is strictly based on mole and charge balances, and no approximations are made in deriving the equations. The proposed method has proved very accurate when applied to synthetic titration curves and data. Some problems, however, are experienced in the practice, because the behavior of the experimental system studied is far from the expected one on the basis of the theoretical model. However, a slight modification of the devised method has been applied to the experimental titration of ammonia with hydrochloric acid, in boric acid as trapping solution, getting good results.
Part of the book: Advances in Titration Techniques