Marcelo González

University of Concepción

Dr. Marcelo González studied Biochemistry at the Universidad de Concepción, Chile, and has a Doctoral degree in Physiological Sciences from the Universidad Católica de Chile. From 2009 he has been working at the Universidad de Concepción, first in the Department of Physiology and now in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. His research interest include the description of placental vascular regulation mechanisms, both in physiological conditions and in pregnancy diseases such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. In his laboratory, scientists use different methods of cellular biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and vascular reactivity to elucidate the mechanisms of vascular regulation from the molecular interactions to organ function. Recently, his work has focused on the study of potassium channel regulation and its interaction with nitric oxide signaling in the human placenta, to determine the potential alterations of these mechanisms in gestational diabetes. He has published 32 articles in WOS journals and 4 book chapters.

Marcelo González

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Marcelo González

The two main causes of death in the world are directly related to cardiovascular system disorders, ischemic heart disease, and stroke. These pathological conditions are caused by complex molecular mechanisms related to endothelial dysfunction and, finally, structural and functional alterations of blood vessels. Clinical evidence demonstrates the relevance of knowledge about vascular biology, from molecular mechanisms to clinical applications, especially for students of medical sciences or basic sciences. This book is an international effort of collaboration, with the purpose to create an academic tool for students or people interested in learning about vascular biology. I invite the readers to check the chapters and explore the topics developed by experts in the field.

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