Juan Pedro Martínez Ramón

University of Murcia Spain

Graduated in Psychology (2000-2005) by the University of Murcia (UMU), graduated in Psychopedagogy (2006-2007) by the UNED of Madrid and PhD in Psychology (2011), in the Department of Personality, Psychological Evaluation and Treatment (UMU). He has performed staff selection in the field of human resources, has collaborated with associations and has worked on both Counseling Teams and Counseling Departments in several centers in the Region of Murcia, Spain. He has also lectured at national and international congresses and has been trained in attention to diversity and educational collaboration (highlighting \Honor Code Certificate for Introduction to Data Wise: A Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching\, edx- Harvard University , 2016). With regard to the lines of research, it is worth highlighting social skills (including coexistence, empathy ...), stress, coping strategies and specific educational support needs. His most recent works include the \Educational Program for the Achievement of Social and Guidance Skills\ -PEGASO- (2015), edited by the Publishing Service of the Regional Ministry of Education of Murcia, Spain. Currently, he is responsible for the working group of Educational Psychology of the Official College of Psychologists of the Region of Murcia and recently, member of the Board of Government of the same. In the workplace, Juan Pedro Martínez is an educational psychologist, working as an associate professor in the Department of Evolutionary and Educational Psychology at the University of Murcia and civil servant in the Cieza Educational and Psychopedagogical Orientation Team.

Juan Pedro Martínez Ramón

1chapters authored