Yus Aniza Yusof

Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysia

Dr. Yus Aniza’s interests are in the area of particle technology, particularly in the granulation processes of dry food powders using the roll compaction and uniaxial die compaction. A variety of situations is considered as these powders exhibit viscoelastic characteristic that are also sensitive to time and temperature. Current research in this area includes studies of pressure-volume relationship, frictional and tensile stresses, density distribution, surface rheology, and phase transitions. These studies are of great importance since they will lead to better understanding of the deformability characteristics and biomechanical conditions of food powders during processing, and hence the relationships between the material science and engineering aspects so as to produce reliable data and to develop predictive models of sufficient accuracies. In parallel to these activities, she is embarking on a new and exciting area that combines the mechanical and food technology aspects in studying the granulation properties and processes of Malaysian herbal powders, for instance the tabletting and compaction of tongkat ali, kacip fatimah, hempedu bumi, misai kucing, and emas cotek.

Yus Aniza Yusof

1chapters authored