Olga Bernad-Cavero

University of Lleida Spain

Olga Bernad Cavero is an adjunct lecturer at the University of Lleida and she has Ph.D. in Sociology of Education. She obtained her Bachelor of Psychopedagogy degree in Open University of Catalonia. Her lines of research are cultural and religious diversity, intercultural education, equal opportunities, school-family relationship, and involvement of families of immigrant and minority origins. In recent years, she has been participating in several research projects on these issues and done research stays in Quebec and Senegal. She has published several articles in the following journals: Civitas Educationis, Orientamenti pedagogici, Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios, Revista de Sociología de la Educación (RASE), and Ehquidad. She has also published chapters of books and books, in the following editorials: Peter Lang, Pirámide, Tecnos (Anaya), and Milenio.

Olga Bernad-Cavero

1books edited

Latest work with IntechOpen by Olga Bernad-Cavero

The societies of the twenty-first century are subject to social, cultural, political, and economic changes. In this context, the school is asked to educate the future citizens in the present. To respond to this kaleidoscopic reality, the school is immersed in a pedagogical revolution. In this book, the reader will find a selection of avant-garde research works from different disciplines and contexts, which have their epicenter in the school and in the faculties of education. New issues in pedagogy and education, and new roles of teachers and students, are discussed in a global and diverse context. And new methodological and formative proposals are also proposed to build the ideal school and the ideal teacher, from the initial and continuous teacher training.

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