Rohini Bhawar

University of Pune

Dr. Rohini Bhawar has more than 12 years of expertise in studying the interactions between clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere. Her areas of interest in the study are temperature and water vapor, radiative forcing, active and passive remote sensing of aerosols and clouds, and satellite-probed knowledge of aerosols and clouds. Her work on atmospheric brown clouds, Saharan, dust break events, and black carbon aerosols is particularly noteworthy. She has been an instructor of atmospheric chemistry, weather research and forecasting model, and meteorological instruments and remote sensing (WRF). She presented her study findings at various national and international conferences. Besides, Dr. Bhawar served as a Principal Investigator for Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOES), and University Grants Commission. She was the Co-principal investigator for ISRO and National Center for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR).

Rohini Bhawar