Katsuhiko Yoshizawa

Kansai Medical University Japan

Dr. Katsuhiko Yoshizawa (KATSU) is an assistant professor in Kansai Medical University, Japan. He is an expert committee member (Pesticides), Food Safety Commission of Japan, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, and an expert committee member (Drugs), Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Government of Japan. He has also worked as the peer reviewer or consultant for some pharmaceutical companies. He was a chief pathologist and toxicologist in Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. and Astellas Pharma Inc., Japan, with 20 years experience in drug safety assessment. He had several experiences for discussion about his company’s drugs with PMDA, FDA, and EMEA. He is an expert for eye-, liver-, heart-, skin-, mammary- and anti-cancer drug- and immunosuppresant drug-induced toxicities and carcinogenesis. He has more than 150 publications in peer-review journals (including in Japanese). He was a visiting scientist for two years, Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, National Institute of Environmental Health Science (NIEHS), USA. He researched mechanistic studies of dioxin-induced and toxicity, chemical-induced heart toxicity. In addition, he had the experience to attend the Pathology Working Group (PWG) meetings for the NTP carcinogenicity studies of several chemicals.

Katsuhiko Yoshizawa

1chapters authored