Shigeru Kozono

Chiba Institute of Technology Japan

Shigeru Kozono (M’84) received the M. S. degree from Niigata University in 1972, and Dr. Eng. degree from Kyoto University in 1988. Since 1972, he has been with the Electrical Communication Laboratories, NTT. In April 1993, he joined the Chiba Institute of Technology as Professor of Electronic Engineering. His research has included work on mobile radio propagation in urban and suburban areas, a tunnel for a land mobile telephone system, and on a base station space and polarization diversity receptions and co-channel interference measurement method techniques for high capacity mobile/portable communication systems. He has also engaged in research on system and system circuit designs. His research interests are in the fields of propagation for micro-cell and digital communication systems, wide-band mobile radio channel, and bit error rate of digital transmission. JICA dispatched him to Indonesia as a specialist in 2000. In 2004, he was a guest researcher in ENRI. He was in European Commission as independent expert on FP7-AAT-2012-RTD-JAPAN in 2012. Since 2000, he is a guest editor of the IEEE JSAC special issue and IEEE member. Dr. Kozono is a member of the Institute of Electronics Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, the Information Processing Society of Japan, and the Research Institute of Signal Processing, Japan.

Shigeru Kozono

1chapters authored