Kerstin Eder

University of Bristol United Kingdom

Kerstin Eder is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Bristol, UK. She set up the Energy Aware COmputing (EACO) initiative ( and leads the Verification and Validation for Safety in Robots research theme at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory ( Her research is focused on specification, verification and analysis techniques which allow engineers to design a system and to verify/explore its behaviour in terms of functional correctness, performance and energy efficiency. Kerstin has gained extensive experience of verifying complex microelectronic designs while working with leading semiconductor design and Electronic Design Automation companies. In her research she seeks novel combinations of techniques to achieve solutions that make a difference in practice. Her most recent work includes intelligent, agent-based testing of code for robots that directly interact with humans, using assertion checks and theorem proving to verify control system designs, energy modelling of software and static analysis to predict energy consumption of programs. She is particularly interested in safety assurance for learning machines. Kerstin was a Principal Investigator of the EC FP7 FET MINECC (Minimizing Energy Consumption of Computing to the Limit) collaborative research project ENTRA (Whole Systems Energy Transparency), which developed techniques to promote energy efficiency to a first class software design goal utilizing advanced energy modelling and static analysis techniques. At the Bristol Robotics Laboratory she is the Principal Investigator of two EPSRC projects: RIVERAS (Robust Integrated Verification of Autonomous Systems) and ROBOSAFE (Trustworthy Robotic Assistants). Kerstin has co-authored over 70 internationally refereed publications and was awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering \Excellence in Engineering\ prize. She holds a PhD in Computational Logic, an MSc in Artificial Intelligence and an MEng in Informatics.

Kerstin Eder

2chapters authored