This chapter offers a numerical simulation of fractional differential equations by utilizing Chebyshev-simulated annealing neural network (ChSANN) and Legendre-simulated annealing neural network (LSANN). The use of Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials with simulated annealing reduces the mean square error and leads to more accurate numerical approximation. The comparison of proposed methods with previous methods confirms the accuracy of ChSANN and LSANN.
Part of the book: Numerical Simulation
Fractional calculus and fuzzy calculus theory, mutually, are highly applicable for showing different aspects of dynamics appearing in science. This chapter provides comprehensive discussion of system of fractional differential models in imprecise environment. In addition, presenting a new vast area to investigate numerical solutions of fuzzy fractional differential equations, numerical results of proposed system are carried out by the Grünwald‐Letnikov's fractional derivative. The stability along with truncation error of the Grünwald‐Letnikov’s fractional approach is also proved. Moreover, some numerical experiments are performed and effective remarks are concluded on the basis of efficient convergence of the approximated results towards the exact solutions and on the depictions of error bar plots.
Part of the book: Numerical Simulation