Raphael Diniz

Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto Brazil

Degree in Biological Sciences (Federal University of Viçosa-UFV), Master of Agricultural Microbiology (UFV) and PhD in Agricultural Microbiology (UFV), with the sandwich period (PDSE) in Da Coruña University, Spain. Currently working as a researcher (Postdoc) in the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology (LBCM), the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). Experience in Microbiology with an emphasis on Physiology of Micro-organisms. The main scientific papers published/presented are related to: production of biofuels from first/second generation, analysis of gene expression, protein secretion, as well as, growth and production of metabolites of micro-organisms of biotechnological interest. In addition, he taught biology in the project extension - Cursinho Popular DCE / UFV - and College Application (CAP-COLUNI) at UFV, having also presented papers and published in Education.

Raphael Diniz

1chapters authored